How not to live from your truth
As a life coach, I help women embrace their authentic selves and live from their truth. Sometimes, there is confusion about what authenticity and truth mean. The real truth is never mean. For me to be who I really am, there must be space for you to be who you really are. In fact, by embracing my authentic self, there is freedom. This does not make it easy to do in a culture that rewards achievement, acquiring things and appearance above connection. It can take courage, hard work, mistakes and sometimes an ally, mentor or guide to follow this path. However, I know that when I connect authentically, I can be of greater service to the world. I can give and receive sustainably. Here’s what living from your truth does NOT mean:
Blaming other people. Making them wrong.
Manipulating others to get what you want. Controlling other people’s reactions.
Telling everyone your opinion of them, their character, their outfit, their creations – be it praise or shame.
Expecting the world to conform to how you see it.
Blowing off commitments. Flakiness.
Lack of integrity. When your words do not match your actions.
An excuse to do whatever you want.
Getting or taking whatever you want.
Not caring about other people or their feelings.
Superiority – moral or otherwise.
Never saying you are sorry.
Letting it all hang out, indiscriminately.
Violence, stealing or harm against others or yourself.
Abuse of power. Bullying.
Any kind of cruelty.
Letting others or circumstances make the choices for you. Avoiding responsibility for what you do.
Not standing up for yourself or what you believe in (when appropriate).
Underestimating your value and innate worthiness as a human being.
Doing things that go against yourself, your moral code or inner wisdom in exchange for acceptance, belonging, monetary or other gain.
Ignoring your body, feelings and emotions.
Fear and doubt will never show up.
Molding to someone else’s idea of truth, beauty, success. Following another’s path (even if you do it very well).
Not making any mistakes.
Making excuses.
Waiting until tomorrow…
If you would like help discovering what living from your truth looks like, learn more here.
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